This blog is about the journey of my life daily or occasionally starting from 24 December 2007. All the activities or my thoughts or experience will be written here to share with all of you.
Sunday, December 30, 2007
BAck in Penang!
In 5 days time, I'm going back to uni which is Universiti Utara Malaysia for my final semester!
To be continue 2moro....
Bad Luck Day!
It suppose to be a happy and enjoyable day... But.. Haiz... the first thing we do when go out is to buy bus ticket back to Penang the next day.. So 'malang', we got SUMMON for stopping at yellow line!! Wah! so sad u know.. spoil the mood of the day.. although there are two people in the car, stil get summon cuz the two don have driving license n dono how to drive.. UNEXPECTED!!! just for 2 minutes also cant escape.. IF we were early 2 minutes or later 2 miuntes, there might be nothing happen!! BAD LUCK! BAD LUCK! Dont know how much need to pay also.. Summon by Polis Diraja Malaysia.. the website also so slow like 'tortoise', cant be access... Huh!
After all, we cant do anything then we headed to Pavilion Kuala Lumpur for a movie, "Alien Vs Predator 2".. This movie make me more tension.. haha... both of them so fierce u know? Watch this type of movie, hehe, the most 'smart' thing that i can do is to close my ears and eyes... Ha!
When the movie is over, we went to Steven's Corner at Genting Klang for supper.. It's actually 'mamak coffee shop'... There, my bf and his friends watch football match between West Ham United and Manchester United. We went home after the match ended. Reach home also nearly 2.00am!
Aiz.. Reach home liao also not a happy thing.. Becuz we know that his father will scold.. but wat to do right? we did the mistake and have to accept the consequences.. We shouldn't make this stupid mistake.. Mistake is a mistake.. think back and say so much also no use.. that's the lesson for the day! Haiz....
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Normal life Yet Fun...
Anyway, it's not a boring day for me o! I woke up at 11am today.. haha... so syiok! But so excited and nervous! u know why? my RESULT out today! The day that i've been waiting for... u know wat? the results do not disappoint me.. it's in my expection and target.. yahOo! After that, the whole day din do anything lo..
Evening around 5.30pm, my bf & i went to the 'bao' stall to help out his parents. They have a stall by the roadside selling 'bao', 'dim sum', newspapers and magazines. He! So excited n fun u know.. collecting money, serving the customers.. he! i dont really know how to put the 'bao' into the plastic bag... so sticky! haha...
Then 7.00pm, PASAR MALAM time! It's situated at Sri Rampai. The moment that i've waiting for tonight... There are a lot of people lor.. varities of stalls.. selling food, clothes, bags, shoes, fruits, some corner of wet market, etc... pasar malam clothes and shoes are cheaper than shopping malls yet nice and beautiful.. I had 'fried koay teow mee' but just so so only.. hehe... my bf and i bought a clothes each.. i also bought a sling bag wit RM10 ONLY! We also buy curry puff, popcorn and taiwan sausage to eat..
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Interview!! Walk!!
Of course after the interview we did not direct go back home.. U know where we go? PAVILION!! U know what is that? Hmmm... It's the new shopping mall in KL.. The design is great.. the decorations for Xmas is beautiful! You wanna see? Let me present them in the slideshow below..
Wanna know more about Pavilion? Wanna know what's inside there? You shall visit the website .
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Shop! Shop! Shop!

After the long walk, we planned to go to Time Square. We walked there thru Plaza Low Yat.. We stopped by this plaza and had our dinner. U know what we had? Haha.. We walk pass a restaurant name Shikiya and got a promotion flyer (Japanese food promotion of RM6.99) from its worker. It actually attracted our hungry stomach.. So, we had a try there.. Not bad, frens!
Finally, we reached Time Square at Jalan Imbi. Wah! Unexpected! We spent a sum of money in this building.. Kinda heartache.......... But nvm, at least we had the satisfaction from what we've spent for. Wanna know the amount? Wat we bought? Nah... i won't tell you lor.. if wanna know or 'kay po', then ask me personally.. hehe... i feel honored to tell you!

U know what? Other than those places, going to Pavillion is also one of hour plan for today. But we didn't make it because it's late and we're exhausted, tiring of walking.. Of course we aren't leaving it like this.. We'll be there on THURSDAY!! Hurray! (Walk again)
Merry Christmas!!
Hey All! Merry Christmas! Wah, i just came back from outside after going out 'jalan-jalan' at Golden Triangle in Kuala Lumpur celebrate "Xmas Eve".. So tired.. What a night :)
During the eve, we (me, my bf and his good friends) went for a movie called "The National Treasure" in Berjaya Time Square Shopping Mall. The movie should start at 9.35pm but it ended up started at 10.00pm. In the end, it finished at 12.00midnight... The seconds of countdown just over in the mall..
But nevermind, after that we walked around along the roadside for a few kilometres from Time Square to Jalan Bukit Bintang and so on... we passes a lot of shoplots, cafes, pubs and clubs.. Huah... so tiring walking for around 1 hour non-stop.. I told the others that we could win in 'walking marathon'..... haha!
You know, we have walked pass a new shopping mall called Pavillion. Wow! It's a beautiful building with nice design from the outside look... If got chance, you ppl shall have a visit there. Don't Miss The Chance O! Below is the snapshot that i got it when passby..
That's not the end of our journey for that night yet! After tiring walking around, all of us were very very thirsty.. We decided to go to Jalan Ipoh to eat "dim sum". When we reach there, it's almost 2.00am. There we ordered some dim sum to eat and chit chat for almost and hour. To my horror, the food were very expensive. An unexpected price and way too much expensive then what i could have in Penang. (But of course i won't tell you the exact shop la.. He!) I suppose everyone was very tired already. We depart from there and back home.
Huh.. very tired liao.. good night! ZzzZz....
Monday, December 24, 2007
Being Beginner in Blogging..